The Mythical Award!

tma OY

ThanksΒ OY30Β for the nomination!


#1: 12 years, and that’s how old I am so basically around when I was born!

#2: Back in the 3rd grade, my teacher’s son had this Karate book. Right now, my teacher isn’t around, just me, my friend, and a few other kids. We were taken out from recess to write lines. Anyway, my friend was saying this stuff about how he can do a Karate kick, so I pitched in and said “You call that a kick? This is how you do a kick!” So I did, but there was a problem. I never liked to tie my shoes, so I didn’t tie them, so when I kicked, my shoe flicked off my foot and it flew……..right…….on to…… teachers plants! It fell over and broke into pieces……then my teacher came,and for some reason he also punished my friend too!

#3: We tried to make an Origami Yoda book, but it didn’t really work…. :/

#4: Juan! :mrgreen:

#5: Not quite sure… XD

#6: ????? Don’t know. ??????

I nominate:







Myr Myr




My (only) question:

Do you watch GMM? How did you first discover it?

That’s all folks! πŸ˜‰

SMS #3 Star Wars:VII

sw ep 8

Yup! What I’m going to talk about is Star Wars ep. 8!

You guys might have already seen the Ep. 8 production trailer, if not look below:

Anyway, what do you guys think will happen? There is a million theories of what will happen in episode 8 like for example, this one:

I like this one! If you want to see some more theories, check out Stupendous Wave’s channel below:

So what do you think will happen in in Star Wars Ep. 8? Tell me in the comments below!

Also, Ep. 8 is announced to be released Dec 15th 2017 ,but while you wait you can watch Rouge One in theatres this December!

So ya, comment and stuff and as usual, SMS will be from 8:00am to 12:00am Pacific Time so ya!

Have fun!

SMS #2 Rogue One!


Yup! That’s going to be the topic this week! What do you want to see in Rogue One!

If you don’t know what it is, it’s the story explaining how the rebels stole the death star plans. It was Rogue One that did it! The movie release date is on Dec 16th or 17th 2016! And if you want to know what the crew looks like, here’s a picture:


If you want to see the Rogue One post, click the link below:

So ya, start chating y’all!

Oh! And by the way, the time has changed, it’s going to be 7:30 to 12:00 Pacific Time and every other week!

So, ya!

Start chating!

And reblog!